Jeremy Palmer

I’ve spent 20 years building great products, great teams and great businesses.

I’m passionate about blending people, technology and process to solve organisation challenges, encourage amazing people, drive growth and deliver exceptional products and services.

Global Delivery | Strategy & Operations | M&A Integrations | Digital Transformation | Talent Alignment


Global Delivery

Structuring efficient cross-functional delivery teams; implementing efficient delivery models.

Delivery Management

Leading teams to hit product/service goals on time and on budget.

Commercial Analysis

Capitalising on new business opportunities and growing existing clients.

Supplier Management

On, off and nearshore management of people and teams; multi-supplier alignment.

Organisation Design

Restructuring teams and departments to drive business efficiency and opportunity.

Digital & Agile Transformation

Setting up for success by educating on and implementing best practice & methodologies.

Talent Growth & Leadership

Advising, coordinating, coaching and developing teams and people.

Strategic Planning & Execution

Defining and implementing Target Operating Models, including M&A integrations.

Relationship Building

Ensuring clear comms between technical and non-technical clients and stakeholders. 


"No-one else in the organisation has been looking at margins and costs in this way before - this is amazing!"
Chief Financial Officer
"You want buy-in for your Talent-Delivery Strategy? You've got it from me - in triplicate!"

Joint CEO, Digital Consultancy
"The work you've done on the integration (on a multi-million pound international M&A) has been invaluable over the last few months."
Chief People Officer
"Jeremy exemplifies our values...he is humble, empathetic, dedicated, driven, collaborative, inclusive and personable with a gift for seeing the best in and getting the best out of people."
Global Head of Talent
"We recognise that you have invested in the business both professionally and personally, for which we are extremely humbled. We can't thank you enough for your contribution."
Joint CEO, Digital Consultancy
"Jeremy is a great team member to work with, I’m genuinely happy having him as part of the leadership team. He does push things forward - honest, sincere, always helpful, no BS!"
Regional Director, Eastern Europe
"Strong and forthright in his approach to delivery, Jeremy's desire for a better way is evident in his style and the way he operates. It's an inspirational direction of travel for a global view on delivery...driving efficiencies for the positive good of the business."
Head of Digital Products
"One of Jeremy’s main strengths is to not pretend to be someone who can know and do it all. As such, his way of working is naturally collaborative. He is by his very nature someone who is culturally sympathetic whilst maintaining a firm vision of where the company needs to go."
Global Head of Talent

Contact me at, or use the form below and I’ll be in touch shortly.
